Change your habits,

change your life. 

Become who you say

you want to be. 

Let's Get Started!

Heal the Habits

Holding You Back. 

Become who you say you want to be. 

Let's Get Started!

Your Life + The Applied Science of Habit Change = Transformation


We all have habits. Some habits hold us back. Some habits propel us forward. These automated behaviors are evolutionarily designed to save you mental and physical energy, so that you can keep these precious resources in reserve for more urgent matters. (For things like, you know, running away from sabertooth tigers).

Counterintuitively, even the most frustrating habits - like overeating, physical inactivity, and screen distraction -  are rooted in biological adaptations that historically improved humans' long-term odds of survival.

But what's good for the survival of the species isn't always so great for you as an individual.

Changing your habits is totally doable. 

But it requires making a choice to work with your brain, instead of continuing to struggle against it. 


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To Change Your Habits

Weight Loss

Kickstart Guide


Lose Weight by Changing Habits

Not Dieting

Let's Get Started!

Move More

Resource Guide


Resources to Start and Stay 

More Active

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Wake up.

Show up.

Kick Ass.

As I approached 50, the habits that had propelled me to become a PhD research scientist at UC Berkeley and a global gender equity consultant ultimately became the same habits that were killing me.

I was overweight, too exhausted to keep up with my kids, burned out at work, and sick all the time.

Changing my habits transformed my life.

Read Dr. Kara's Story

"Kara has helped me release old habits that were no longer serving me and establish new ones that will move me toward my goals for lasting change. She is knowledgeable, supportive, and kind. I highly recommend working with Kara."

Jenny,  Award-winning Author, Podcaster, & Mom

"Kara is so fresh of mind, attitude, and spirit that I have been able to trust her and her process. I’ve never felt more confident in the process and new mental loops have slayed whatever typical anxieties I used to have that always sabotaged me. I can feel the change in my mind and it feels good! Gratitude for Kara and for myself for prioritizing this."

Caroline, CEO, Author, & Mom

Your Smartest, Strongest Self

wants you

to show up for yourself.

To shift your trajectory.

To release the potential energy,

that's bursting inside you.

To be and to do 

all that you know you can.

No more regrets.

Take the First Step Now