You KNOW you are meant for more.

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An Exclusive Invitation

to Take Bold Action


We all face dragons.

Our dragons are the things that we WANT to do, but we can't get ourselves to do. 

And then there are the things we want to stop doing. But again, we can't. 

These stuck places are often the source of painful self-flagellation, frustration, and regret.

Because when we remain trapped by our dragons, we're living a life not fully chosen.  


Some of us fortunate enough to come to a point where life with our dragons becomes untenable. 

Or we realize that to get to where we want to go, we have to take a different path.

Then we decide, deep, deep down, that we are willing to do whatever it takes to find a new way forward. 

So that our actions can begin to move into better alignment with our intentions. 


This is when you...


Commit to investing in yourself.

Commit to working through your resistance.

Commit to showing up for yourself. 


This is where Habit Change Coaching comes in.


Habit Change Coaching is NOT about FORCING change and slaying your dragons. 

(Aren't you tired of that fight? Aren't you tired?)

Habit Change Coaching let's you see your dragons with fresh eyes. 

Through coaching, you learn to identify your subconscious triggers, as well as your emotional, behaviorial, and intellectual reactions to them that are keeping you stuck.

You'll see what's holding you back from doing the things that you want to do. 

Once you see these, your drive to change through gripped white knuckles, gritted teeth, and brute willpower diminishes.

You'll begin to choose new behaviors from a place of ease that feels like free will.

From this place, you'll learn to dance with your dragons.

And transform your life.


The power to do all that you want to do is inside you...

If you're willing to learn to let go of the fear that you'll fail.

Are you willing? Are you ready? 

Buckle up, Buttercup! Things are about to get good. 


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Did you come this far

Just to come this far ?



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"As an owner of a consulting firm, I set the bar high for myself and my performance with my clients. However, as a passionate wine and food enthusiast, I don’t feel disciplined at all in terms of my consumption levels. In fact, drinking wine at the end of a busy day has been my preferred way to wind-down and manage my stress levels. Moreover, I often snack throughout the day to reward myself for working hard. These entrenched behavioral habits left me disappointed in myself for not having enough willpower or self-control. 
In the month after I started coaching with Kara, I’m in such a different place! I lost six pounds and reduced my evening wine drinking from nightly to no drinking Monday through Wednesday. Snacking has gotten under control too. Two months later, I’m feeling so much better in my body. And mentally, I’m back to feeling “I’m in charge” of how I live my life.
The thing that really landed for me in coaching with Kara was that I didn’t have to stop cold turkey with the behaviors that I wanted to change. The all-or-nothing pressure that I previously self-imposed was keeping me from getting started. And then I was setting myself up for failure with the same super high bar. 
And similar to growing my consulting firm, I’m finding that building a healthy relationship with alcohol and food isn’t about having the discipline to meet a high bar overnight. It’s about small wins, over time. 
And deprivation is not the answer; it’s about discernment.
I’m relieved and grateful to be in this different mental place, so that I can still enjoy amazing wine and food when and where I choose, like when I’m traveling or with a client at a business dinner. 
I feel so much more empowered to reach my goals.”
- MV, Leadership Coach

Habit Change for Exercise 

Move More Coaching

Virtual, customized HABIT CHANGE coaching that supports you to start and sustain an exercise habit, so that you can increase your energy, achieve your health goals, and feel more attractive, even as you get older.

Want to improve your longevity, mobility, and functionality? This coaching program is for you!

 Through weekly, individualized coaching sessions, Dr. Kara supports you to:

  • Overcome conscious and subconscious resistance to exercise
  • Learn how to design and redesign exercise habits, so that you can easily adapt to external demands on your time and energy
  • Develop the mindset for overcoming hurdles (eg, work and family obligations, travel, injury, and illness) that get in the way of sustaining an exercise habit
  • Understand how exercise motivation works so that you can stay consistent, even when your motivation dips
  • Gain confidence in your ability to follow through and show up for yourself
Learn More!

Habit Change for Weight Loss

Releasing the Weight Coaching

Virtual, customized HABIT CHANGE coaching that supports you to change your relationship with food and eating, so that you can lose weight without restricting calories or feeling deprived. Through personalized coaching sessions, Dr. Kara supports you to:  

  • Identify unconscious eating habits that contribute to weight gain
  • Reduce or eliminate cravings that compel you to eat what you know you don’t really want to eat
  • Stop using food to rebel against what you or others think you SHOULD be doing or how you SHOULD look
  • Enjoy foods that bring you joy, without sabotaging your weight loss efforts
  • Navigate food during holidays, social events, and vacations, so that you have the confidence to eat and enjoy what you truly want to eat, not just what's in front of you
  • Gain confidence in your ability to get back up when you fall down, and to follow through for the long haul
Learn More!

Ready to take the next step towards your goals? 


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