With the help of a movement

Habit Change Coach

Let's Do This!

Are you frustrated with yourself for wanting to exercise

but not being able to get yourself to do it? You're NOT ALONE. 

If you've tried to start exercising but haven't developed it into a habit that sticks, you're not the only one and it's not your fault. From an evolutionary perspective, our bodies are designed to conserve energy. Yes, our bodies are built to run - but for food, safety, and shelter! 

Additionally, there is so much misinformation and myth about what it takes to build an exercise habit. (Hint: it's NOT about repetition!) And with the marketing machinery of today's fitness industry, it is so easy to dive head-first into an exercise regimen that is simply unsustainable. 

But here's the thing:

The solution isn't trying to FORCE yourself to exercise.

And it's not guilt-tripping yourself by spending a ton of money on a gym membership.

Or hoping that a home gym will remove your resistance to exercise.

The solution requires a paradigm shift. It's about working WITH your brain instead of against it. 

When you apply the skills of habit change, you can succeed at building a movement habit that works for you, your body, and the unique circumstances of your life! 

Moving more through habit change is not rocket science. But it is a systematic, science-based skill set that can be learned!

What is Move More Coaching?

Move More is a personalized HABIT CHANGE coaching experience that will help you start to move and stay moving so that you can increase your energy, achieve your health goals, and feel more attractive even as you get older. 

In the Move More more program you get a flexible system that shows you step-by-step how to start and sustain a new habit of moving more - while throwing away the frustration and feeling of failure!

Move More is designed to help you start integrating what you learn right away in your already full life.


Move More is not a boot camp. It's not an exercise class. And it's not a how-to for any specific type of movement.

 Move More is a 1:1 coaching program that gives you the

mindset and methods to


of moving more! 

The set of skills you'll learn with Dr. Kara apply to starting any new habit, but we'll focus exclusively on helping you do the type of movement that you want to do. However, you're likely to find that once you experience success while building a movement habit, you'll start shifting and shaping your life in other ways you never thought possible!

The secret sauce to Moving More is the habit change coaching that Dr. Kara provides to help you design a personalized system for WHERE, WHAT, & HOW to start moving and stay moving.

Just as importantly, when you run into bumps along the way - because that is the nature of starting to build a new habit - Dr. Kara will be there to help you tweak and redesign your approach.

Additionally, a supportive online community of other busy, ambitious people like you who are working 1:1 with Kara will help keep you motivated, even when your initial motivation wanes.

Ready to Start? Let's go!


With the help of a movement

motivation coach

Yes! I'M IN

How does Move More Coaching Work?

Personalized Instruction

Within some universal principles for how humans learn, the way that any one individual builds a habit is as unique as that individual. Move More clients meet virtually with Dr. Kara for specific, personalized help to design and update their new movement habits through weekly calls, emails, and texts.

Evidence-Based Habit Change Resources

People who succeed in developing new movement habits rarely do so through sheer willpower. 

Instead, successful habit changers set up systems that support them stay consistent when their motivation drops. Because it's human nature for motivation levels to drop when we're pursuing long-term goals, not a personal failure.

The Move More coaching program will be an important part of your success system. And within that system, you'll learn how to design your own process for lasting change, using evidence-based principles from behavioral psychology and neurobiology. 

Mental Exercises

Learning to move more is often as much of a mental endeavor as a physical one. Self-criticism for not exercising more or better or faster is a pernicious mental habit that holds many smart people back. But, think about it: Were you ever really inspired by a coach, teacher, or family member who yelled at and criticized you? (If so, Move More is probably not the right program for you!) Harsh trash talk is almost always counterproductive when it comes to building new habits. 

In this program, you'll learn essential techniques to turn the chastising internal critic into an encouraging coach. Quieting this critic lets you take one step forward at a time, eventually allowing you to succeed at achieving your own personal "marathon." That's because learning to FEEL GOOD about yourself and what you've accomplished is what wires in something as a sustainable habit, NOT repetition.


Does this sound like you?

(If so, I get it! Many of these used to be me, too.)

You want to be more physically active but just can't get yourself to start

You feel guilty, selfish, or self-indulgent (or have been made to feel that way) for spending time or money to take care yourself

You have a hard time taking your health and fitness goals as seriously as you take your career goals

You’ve been sedentary for a long time and you’re daunted by the process of getting started

You mentally beat yourself up about what you “should” be able to do based on your previous fitness levels or what others around you are doing

Your body image keeps you from working out in public

You are so busy with caretaking and career you simply don't know where you'll fit movement into your schedule

You want to improve your health but you dislike or even hate exercise

You rush out the gate with big exercise goals and then exhaust or hurt yourself

You’re put off by fitness gurus who have never struggled to get in shape or with body image and who want you to train for a marathon from the get-go

Your physician has urged you to exercise as a preventative measure or treatment for a chronic health condition, such as diabetes, heart disease, or osteoporosis

Your hormones are doing a number on you and you want your body back



This Could Be You...

“The biggest hurdle for me was following through and not giving up once I started. I didn’t know that I could walk this far. I was stunned and astounded when I woke up the day after walking with Kara's coaching. I couldn’t believe that my body felt completely fine after doing what I felt was the most arduous thing.”

Victoria E.

“Kara has completely changed how I approach the role of exercise in my life. I'm going through an incredible transformation: from wanting to exercise but actively resisting it, to choosing to do it even if I'm only tolerating it, to looking forward to it. This evolution in how I feel about exercising wasn't even something that I thought was a possible outcome.”




One time payment of



  • 8 private coaching calls that support you to design and sustain your new movement habit 
  • 8 weeks of unlimited email support to help you reach your movement goals 
Schedule a Consult


Dr. Kara's Movement Story


I began my movement journey at 48. Despite being fairly adventurous in my teens and 20's, I never played sports or considered myself athletic. I always was and still am a bookworm.

All of my activity stopped, though, once I started a family and career.

After being sedentary for nearly two decades, excessive weight gain made most exercise, even gentle yoga and walking, difficult or unpleasant. I had considerable pain from a torn rotator cuff. And I feared any activity on my feet, due to an overuse injury in my late 20s that had put me in a wheelchair for six months.

When I started moving, I didn't aspire to get ripped or to become an athlete.

I just wanted to be able to have enough energy and strength to play with my kids.

I wanted my body to stop hurting all the time.

I wanted to be able to sleep better.

And I wanted to avoid the diabetes that runs in my family.

To help get me going, I paid someone to walk with me for a mile. Even walking that mile was initially a challenge. I was tired and I was scared of pushing too hard and getting hurt.

I kept going, though, and set a goal to run 5k by my 50th birthday. Amazingly I started to feel better well before I reached that goal. My energy massively increased. And I could see that my body really was my ally, despite years of ignoring and trashing it while I pursued my career and cared for my kids.

Since reaching that first 5k running goal, I've become active 5-6 days a week (hiking, paddling, swimming, biking, running, skiing, and weight-lifting). I've successfully participated in multiple half-marathons, triathlons, and 100 mile bike events. 

Without a doubt, I'm in the best shape of my life and still getting stronger. My kids regularly say to me, "Wow, mom! You are so strong." And both of my kids have also taken up new athletic activities that they've seen me role model.

We all face challenges with our bodies, careers and families.

But there's a tricky line between self-compassion and self-indulgence when it comes to prioritizing being active.

I've learned to walk that line and am thrilled to have the opportunity to help others to do the same in the Move More program.

Ready to Move More?

Yes, Let's Do This!